Tag Archives: family drama


How are you all doing? Good. I’m not quite sure how I got myself stuck in this two-fer holiday nightmare but it’s giving me a case of the What-the-Fucks!…

For one – back in August at the end of my father-in-law’s 75th birthday celebration I gave myself a present and outright refused the favor of watching his pissy little shit… I mean, his sweet little shih tzu who is prone to excited fits of incontinence, over the Christmas weekend. I was all proud of my standing firm and tall in the Land of Nope – which is my sweet spot in times like this. Continue reading

TBT: Saint or Sucker? – The Kirigami Project

Significantly blonder version of my angsty teen self.

Significantly blonder version of my angsty teen self.

A few of you have asked for more reminiscences about Dad.  I figured this would be a good time to take you wayyyyyyyy back to my high school years when my angst, impatience and general jadedness were just twinkles in my raccoon-linered eyes.

Alas, I jest.  😉

I was living with Dad and his second wife, A, at the time along with her two young daughters, S & R.  Since R and I were closer in age we bunked together while the youngest of us, S, had her own room. Continue reading

Morale Fiber

Until morale improves, the crocheting will continue.

A child shattered, Life beyond..

Just because you don't see the struggle, doesn't mean someone isn't drowning.. Pain of the mind is worse than pain of the body.

The Greenwich Village Literary Review

A magazine by writers who love to write for readers who love to read.